Witkowsky State Wildlife Area – A JDCF Partner Reserve

 Thanks to a public/private partnership between JDCF, the Illinois DNR, and the volunteer group, the Friends of Witkowsky, ten miles of new hiking trails have been opened to the public at the Witkowsky State Wildlife Area, a 1,000+ acre natural area located seven miles north of Hanover, IL on Blackjack Road, not far from Chestnut Mountain Resort. A visitors guide and trail map can be found here: WWA Visitor Guide

Mowed trails take visitors through prairies, into deep forests with unique rock outcroppings, over shallow streams, and to a lookout with a stunning view of the surrounding countryside.  There are even remnants of the Hanover Earth Station to be explored.  The Witkowsky State Wildlife Area is open daily from dawn to dusk.  The trails are closed to hikers during firearms hunting seasons. Hunting season dates are posted at the kiosks near the parking areas and also on the IDNR website. Photos on this page © Galena County Tourism.