Vision Statement: The Driftless Stewardship Initiative (DSI) believes that collaboration works and that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. DSI works with public and private landowners to educate, train, and apply the best land management practices across northwest Illinois’ extraordinary landscape. We do this to promote and improve land and water health for the lasting well-being of all people and wildlife.

Services we offer:

Habitat Restoration
*Invasive species control
*Prescribed fire
*Native seed and tree planting
*Forest stand improvement
*Forestry mulching

Professional Services
*GIS mapping
*Invasive species assessment
*Botanical surveys/natural community inventories
*Land management plans
*Habitat restoration plans
*Illinois Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)

For more information, please contact Tiffany Howard, Director of Ecological Restoration at thoward@jdcf.org.